After the completion of the technical aspects, FLOOD-serv pilots are ready to be demonstrated and tested by citizens, public authorities and other stakehoders in Italy, Portugal, Romania, Spain and Slovakia.
Tomas Koren, representing Exdwarf in FLOOD-serv consortium, had interesting exploitation meetings at Tel Aviv - Yafo Municipality and Tel Aviv University, both open to test the piloting version of the project!
Anna Colombo, FLOOD-serv partner from the Municipality of Genoa, analytically describes how the Lingurian pilot has been developed, the participatory process on which its development is based and the involvement of the citizens in different levels taking active part in the gathering of data and territorial information useful to prevent and manage emergency flooding situations.
Τhe Municipality of Genoa has organized a series of presentations (PRE-TEST app technical presentations) about the Genoa pilot with great success from November to December of 2017.
Are you willing to test the demo FLOOD-serv platform and provide your feedback to the technical project partners as a potential end-user? Then, be part of our LinkedIn Group or/and Facebook Group. Express your interest!, developed by the Department of Architecture in Genoa and designed by the University of Genoa, serves to report areas or elements of the city at potential hydrogeological risk.
Αn article featured in the periodical paper of the "Ordine degli Ingegneri di Genova" describes how “”, a participative platform created and managed by the Comune di Genova in collaboration with the University, is able to receive data and information, process and disseminate them in an emergency.
On the 27th of October 2017 the consortium partners met in Bilbao (Spain) to present the work performed during the first year of FLOOD-serv. Experts on the project’s topic assigned by the Research Executive Agency (REA), who assessed the course of actions made by each partner, attended also the meeting.
The Lega Ambiente Association, along with the Municipality of Genoa, organised on April 21st an "open walk" on the Bisagno river bank to explain the characteristics and the fragilities of the territory. This event was very usefull for the dissemination of FLOOD-serv project.
The project was discussed among Breakout Group 4 during Sessions VI and VII on Interaction Day of the 51st ICA International Conference which took place in Tokyo, Japan September 11th-14th.
Representatives from our consortium, including the project coordinator, attended the event “Digital Transformation of Public Administrations Event” that was organized by the Directorate General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology (CONNECT) and the Research Executive Agency (REA).
The FLOOD-serv project promotes its innovative solution through major channels affiliated to water related innovation. The EIP website featured the project at its website and within the March newsletter issue.
Given that digital publishing raises visibility to publications and makes our work more popular to a wide audience, FLOOD-serv promotional materials are available on issuu platform.
Τhe project “Political and sOcial awareness on Water EnviRonmental challenges” (POWER) is an EU funded project under the call H2020 call which started in December 2015.