Piloting activities in Danube Delta, Romania

IP Tulcea together with the Danube Delta National Institute for Research and Development- DDNI Tulcea, implemented, during the project, the piloting activities for Flood-Serv Platform, using 2 main approaches: internal and external testing.

The approach started with the internal testing, during cycle 1 of the piloting and continued with the external testing in the 2nd cycle of piloting. The 3rd cycle of piloting was conducted internally and also externally.

The testing sessions were organized at the administration’s headquarters. The main stakeholders that tested the platform were the actors from the exact flood event: mayors, main responsible of the flood event from the municipality and representatives of the main intervention’s groups: volunteers, medical team, military, etc.

The methodology for each testing session was to let all the stakeholders work and discover each component as it is. This approach was established after the training sessions, considering the state of the art for each component and for the platform as a hole.

The first cycle of piloting was conducted mainly internally, as a first step in the testing of the components. The second cycle was a lot more complex, since for the testing were implicated also the stakeholders. At the end of the piloting activities, the 3rd cycle of piloting implicated even more testers, completing the activities over 200 citizens, stakeholders and employees.

For each piloting cycle, the teams from DDNI and IP Tulcea prepared the sessions by contacting individually each employee, stakeholder and citizen and sending the invitations to their institutions. After this step, the team organized the testing events, choosing the suitable location, depending on the testers: for the employees at IP Tulcea headquarters, for the stakeholders at the public administrations’ headquarters and for the citizen, at different locations (DDNI headquarters, high schools).

You can find more activities and results from this Pilot at the following links:

FLOOD – serv Project in the International Scientific Event “Deltas and Wetlands”
FLOOD-serv Workshop in Tulcea, Romania
Project Meeting in Tulcea