Alexandros Xenakis

Alexandros Xenakis belongs to the new academic interdisciplinary field that results from the applications of information and communication technologies in economics and society. He is an Economist, Political Scientist and his Doctoral thesis ‘Electronic voting in the United Kingdom: A study of procedural safety, electoral administration and social acceptance of the electronic electoral process’ was supervised by Professor Ann Macintosh (Professor of digital governance) at Edinburgh Napier University. He teaches E-Business and E-commerce in the Hellenic Open University. He has taught marketing and human resources management at the Department of Economics in the University of Crete as an adjunct lecturer. Prior to that he has taught at the Postgraduate program ‘Virtual Communities’ of the Department of Psychology of Panteion University, at Edinburgh Napier University, the University of Macedonia (Department of Marketing) as well as the Ionian University (Department of informatics). In his previous academic posts he has taught business administration, principles of economic theory, entrepreneurship, information systems, and e-governance. He has taken part in several European research projects in the area of e-participation in which he has published several academic papers. He has also been a reviewer for FP7 in the SSH programme and an expert Consultant for the Hellenic Ministry of Electronic Governance.