Dr. Eng Iulian Nichersu

Dr. Eng Iulian NICHERSU graduated in 1985 the Civil Engineering Technical University, Geodesy Faculty Bucharest. In 2000 he obtained his PhD within Faculty of Geography, University of Bucharest, with the thesis titled “Using of GIS in Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve Atlas Design”. Senior scientific researcher, doctor in Geography with 25 years of experience within the Danube Delta National Institute for Research and Development and publication of 32 titles in Romanian and English languages. He has expertise in GIS, spatial planning, cartography, geodesy and conservation projects of special wetland areas from the Lower Danube Floodplain – Romanian sector. He was awarded in 2000 with the Diploma of excellence in research for the project Green Corridor of Lower Danube by the Romanian Government, National Agency for Research, Technology and Innovation. In 2001 he got specialized in Research methods in Wetlands Socio-anthropological studies including participatory research appraisal tools: focus group, mapping, seasonal calendar, comprehensive structured interviews at University of Durham, UK. As project responsible he worked in elaborating the ecological restoration projects for the abandoned polders in order to create the Green corridor of lower Danube, elaborating the methodology of sustainable use of the natural resources from the wetlands, in order to protect and conservation the species and to an ecological equilibrium, stakeholder involvement in flood risk management and spatial planning, in national and international projects, as: FP 5 Integrated Management of European Wetlands, Cross Border Co-operation Programme Romania-Bulgaria / Protection of wetlands of the Danube – a pilot project for Cama – Dinu Islets area / Scientific assistance for the realization of the database, monitoring and inventory of flora and fauna in the Cama Dinu islets area , FP 7 People for Ecosystem Based Governance in Assessing Sustainable Development of Ocean and Coast ”PEGASO”, Intereg project- Stakeholder oriented flood risk assessment for the Danube floodplains- Danube Floodrisk (responsible of WP 5 Data collection management), Danube’s River Morphology and Revitalization in DANUBEPARKS project.