Tomas Koren, representing Exdwarf in FLOOD-serv consortium, had a couple of very interesting exploitation meetings in Tel Aviv, Israel last January. In detail, he presented FLOOD-serv project with Simone Leibovich (EU Programmes Manager) at Tel Aviv – Yafo Municipality on January 24th and with Gili Shenhar, EMBA (Academic coordinator, Department of emergency and disaster management) and Bruria Adini, PhD. (Academic coordinator, Executive international Master’s program in disaster management) on January 25th at Tel Aviv University.
It is important that both institutions expressed interest in our project not only in urban/tsunami flood but also in broader emergency management context. Although urban flash floods are quite ordinary phenomenon to experience there (especially in winter months), Tel Aviv also faces tsunami challenges. However they have no system in place for this type of emergency. Both of these institutions are open to test the piloting version of the project once it is ready, so more action to come!