“Deltas and Wetlands” was the title of the International Symposium that was conducted in Tulcea Romania from the 18th to the 21st of May 2017. During this conference numerous speakers attended and a variety of subjects around the main theme of the conference were presented.
A great amount of interest was directed towards the issues of flora and fauna life around the Danube Delta ecosystem. The main concern was to figure out alternative ways in order to retain the balance between the needs of the natural environment and the needs of the people. Of course matters such as damage caused by floods were discussed during the event.
Specifically, the presentations were branched in the categories of Biodiversity and Nature Conservation (Section I), Environmental Factors, Ecological Restoration & Anthropic Impact (Section II), Natural Resources & Socio-economic Aspects (Section III) and Geographical Information & System Modeling (Section IV).
During the final section of the symposium, the FLOOD-serv Partners from IP Tulcea presented the paper: “Flood Services legislative approach in the context of Danube Delta area flood risk management– FLOOD-serv Project”.
This paper presented the main concept of the FLOOD-serv project along with the tools that are created in order to support flood resilience and awareness. According to the abstract: « The study is documented by parallel descriptions of how the provisions of the European Directives are transposed into the national legislations and it will provide key country characteristics and differences of the governance structure of the flood risk management, which are crucial elements for the effectiveness of the societal risk reduction».

During this scientific event the partners from DDNI presented the study with the title: “Flood Services needs in the context of Danube Delta area flood risk management– Flood Serv Project”
The study examined approach on flood management, from reacting to risk analysis and prevention. Furthermore, it presented: «the research on the initial needs in the domain of flood risk management and flood related services in the area of Danube Delta and adjacent area. For the past years, Danube Delta National Institute for Research and Development Tulcea (DDNI) has been involved in several flood risk related projects, but the team comes way back with more experience in hydraulic modeling ».

The FLOOD-serv project drew the attention of the participants by the research work that has been made so far and soon more outcomes will be available to the general public for further discussion.