Jesús J. Martínez

Jesús J. Martínez is a Senior Computer Engineer from the University of Murcia, specialist in Artificial Intelligence. Also, Jesus has a Master in New Technologies in Computer Engineering. He started as research staff in the Intelligent Systems Group of the University of Murcia. He worked in i3Media Spanish project , and in the European FP6 project eCospace: eProfessionals Collaboration Space. He worked with ontologies, Java technologies and data mining in these projects. In the Intelligent Systems Group he made research in recommender systems, personalization of electronic program guides (EPGs), ontologies and data analysis. He researched too on Intrusion Detection Systems. Finally he worked developing an indoor localization system based on Bluetooth technologies using OSGi services. He joined Answare in 2011. In Answare, he is involved in emergency projects, developing a Decision Support System for crisis management and resource optimization (FP7 E-SPONDER and ITEA2 DICOMA).