ENLARGE focuses on the effectiveness, legitimacy, and institutional sustainability of collaborative processes in the field of sustainable energy. The project brought together representatives of over 31 real-life cases from the whole enlarged Europe, to discuss their experiences – particularly the factors that hindered or favored the collaborative processes they worked on.
This exchange was key to build the main output of ENLARGE – the Choose Your Own Adventure Book, a gamebook about an hypothetical – yet realistic – scenario of a community embarking on collaborative processes. It will be the users, it will be you!, to take decisions, thus walking a path, reflecting on the consequences, and think of adaptive strategies to face challenges or unexpected events.
Are collaborative processes the way to go for policy-making in Europe?
Join the final event of ENLARGE on 26 September in Brussels, learn more about others experiences, share yours, and take home the gamebook for all communities interested in kicking-off a participatory process.
You can find the agenda of the final event here.
ENLARGE is a two-year project led by Istituto per la ricerca sociale (IRS) and funded by the EU H2020 programme.
Stay tuned!
@ENLARGEproject #ENLARGEproject